Download Raji: An Ancient Epic for PC


Raji: An Ancient Epic is an Indian action-adventure video game developed by Nodding Heads Games based in Pune, Maharashtra, India

Download Raji: An Ancient Epic for PC 

Download Raji: An Ancient Epic For PC for free

This game was released for: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows

Gameplay Overview:

Raji: An Ancient Epic is an action-adventure game set in ancient India. A young girl named Raji has been chosen by the gods to stand against the demonic invasion of the human realm. Her destiny? To rescue her younger brother and face the demon lord Mahabalasura.

Gameplay Storyline:

The story of Raji: An Ancient Epic begins with the start of a new war between the demons and the gods. Seeking to avenge their defeat in the last great war from a thousand years ago, the demons have challenged the gods who humiliated them and have invaded the human realm, threatening them with extinction.
Thinking that their enemies had been utterly defeated in the last great war, a thousand years ago, the humans had fallen into a false sense of security, forgetting the ways of alchemy, while enjoying the peace. Unable to defend themselves, cities and fortresses fell, leaving the humans at the mercy of the demons.

System Requirements:

  • Processor:  – Intel i3
  • Memory: –  8 GB RAM
  • Graphics : – AMD Radeon R7 260X | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti


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