Download The Amazing Spider-Man 2 For PC


Game Name: The Amazing Spider-Man 2

File Size:  44GB

Release Year: 2018

Genres: Sports.

Gameplay Details:

Players have access to Peter Parker’s home, and his room allows players to replay previous missions from the main storyline, purchase upgrades and equip the various costumes available. Audio logs of many characters can be collected from around the city. Players can use the Metro to go back to Peter Parker’s home.

Additionally, new enemy types have been introduced Armored guards can be taken down either with a stealth attack or by the Ionic Web upgrade, which allows players to break down armor, thus leaving the guard vulnerable to damage.


The following day, Spider-Man resumes his everyday life of crime fighting, in the hope of finding more about Carradine’s whereabouts. He eventually learns about a deal in which Carradine might be involved, so he goes to investigate. He chases Carradine, who drives away in a stolen car and takes a woman hostage, but Spidey manages to rescue the hostage, although this causes him to lose Carradine for a short while. When he finds him again, Spider-Man discovers that Carradine has been murdered by a serial killer known as the “Carnage Killer”, who is murdering other criminals. With Carradine dead, Spider-Man decides that his main goal now is to catch the Carnage Killer and take him to the Ravencroft Institute, a maximum security prison for the criminally insane.

Pc Requirements:

  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Memory: 3GB RAM
  • Graphics: 512 MB 3D hardware accelerator card

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